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Psychological and Behavioural Sciences Tripos


for 2024-25


Core paper:

PBS 5: Research Dissertation

Optional papers:

PBS 6: Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology

PBS 7: Advanced Topics in Social and Applied Psychology

PBS 8: The Family

PBS 9: Cognitive and Experimental Psychology (Paper 2 of NST Part II Psychology)

PBS 10: Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (Paper 3 of NST Part II Psychology)

BANX/Y: Evolutionary Anthropology and Behaviour (two papers, one from Michaelmas and one from Lent, from Part IIB of the Archaeology Tripos)

CR 2: Criminology, Sentencing and the Penal System (from Part II of the Law Tripos)

HPS 4: Philosophy and Scientific Practice (from Part II of the Natural Sciences Tripos)

PHIL 9: Philosophy of Mind (from Part II of the Philosophy Tripos)

PHIL 10: Political Philosophy (from Part II of the Philosophy Tripos)

SOC 11: Racism, Race and Ethnicity [link to be added] (from Part IIB of the HSPS Tripos)

SOC 13: Medicine, Body and Society (from Part IIB of the HSPS Tripos)


Please note that all papers borrowed by the PBS Tripos are reviewed on a yearly basis and are subject to change.